Stop Stop!!

Nick has a fourwheeler that gets the job done and will take you wherever you'd like to go, just like all other fourwheelers. But, this fourwheeler is unique. So unique that, I have yet to figure it out. It takes a special person to drive the fourwheeler. See, this fourwheeler has no brakes and takes a genius to figure out how to put it in reverse. Oh yea, it will not stay idel and cuts off if it stays in one place too long. Which I guess is good since it doesn't have any brakes.

The other night, Nick and I were on our way up to the land. He was riding on the back and I was driving. I was doing great! I got turned around and out of the driveway, then I tried to go up a hill... Well, I couln't make it up the hill. So Nick said for me to shift it down a gear, not knowing that I was already in first gear. When a fourwheeler doesn't have breaks and I'm not an expert fourwheeler driver I did not know what to do, so I began yelling NICK STOP IT, NICK STOP IT!!! Well, of course Nick couldn't do much of anything and I had to figure out things on my on before I hit a tree. Finally, I did what any expert fourwheel driver would do and shifted it into a higher gear, and well, we made it up the hill and to the land.

I still haven't mastered driving this fourwheeler. I am able to crank it up and go forward and even stop it without the missing breaks, but I cannot put the fourwheeler in reverse. So if I ever have to drive it somewhere and am stuck with backing up, I end up leaving the fourwheeler in its place and walking back towards the land.